A winter storm is life-threatening, and it can also be dangerous for businesses as it could cost business owners a significant amount of money. When it comes to making commercial insurance claims, the waters get a bit murky. This is why you are going to need a professional insurance adjuster to ensure proper insurance loss recovery.
What Precautionary Measures Must Be Taken After a Storm?
While it may all be over, there are still several threats in the remnants of a winter storm. Every blizzard or ice storm that destroys electronic wiring, gas lines, or power poles puts your business in danger of fire, explosions, or even electrocution.
The damage from winter storms can ruin commercial structures and leave hazardous standing water inside the business space or commercial complex. Snow storms may also make it more likely for people to get carbon monoxide poisoning from using fuel-burning generators incorrectly.
Preventive maintenance measures, such as clearing your property of debris and broken tree limbs, can also lessen the potential harm a storm might cause to your commercial property.
How Will Your Insurance Company Handle the Losses?
In the US, snowstorm damage is covered under commercial insurance. But, in many instances, business owners simply aren’t aware of just how much and what kind of damages are covered by their commercial insurance policy.
Your commercial insurance policy requires you to give the insurance company immediate notice of whatever damage that has occurred. If there is any damage, you should inspect your business and call the insurance agent right away. The insurance provider will then send over their insurance adjustor to inspect the severity of the damage before accepting your claim.
More often than not, the insurance rep for commercial claims downplays the extent of commercial property damage, which can result in either getting your insurance claim rejected or not getting enough to cover all of the damage to your business after a winter storm. To avoid either scenario, it is recommended to hire a public adjuster who, unlike the insurance provider, is going to be on your side.
Knowing what type of coverage you have is crucial. Some winter storm-related damage might be reimbursed, while other damage might not. On the other hand, some winter storm damage might not be visible until weeks or months after the incident occurred. This is why you need an experienced insurance adjuster who can thoroughly inspect your commercial property and make an accurate evaluation of the property damage.
Last but not least, the insurance adjuster will maintain a documented account of not just the damage that occurred after the winter storm but also of events that include a timeline and all conversations with your insurance provider and their appointed adjuster. An insurance adjuster can point out the areas in which your business’s safety and winter-proofing can be improved to protect both your business and your employees from winter extremes. They can also help you put in place a contingency plan to avoid further damage due to winter storms in future.
Winter Storm Recovery Services In New York
If you require an insurance adjuster, go no further than Affiliated Adjustment Group. Our firm has settled several commercial insurance claims for policyholders. Commercial claims, commercial property damage claims, and insurance loss recovery due to winter storms, such as blizzards, ice storms and snow squalls, are our areas of expertise. Contact our public adjuster today if you need further help filing a claim for damage to your business after a winter storm.