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Homeowner Fire

On March 18th, 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic uncertainty, a home experienced a significant fire ignited by an alleged defect in a BBQ construction and installation. After the fire was believed to be extinguished, it reignited several hours later, resulting in a total burn of the home.

Emergent Concerns

  • ​The insured tested positive for COVID-19 - leaving uncertainty for all parties required to visit the loss. The insurance company adjuster did not physically visit the property, creating difficulties in agreeing upon the value of the loss.

  • Homeowner displacement during a significant supply chain crisis, which limited the availability of temporary housing and associated rental furniture, as well as access to construction materials.

  • Substantial delays in Cause and Origin investigation due to COVID restrictions prolonged the adjustment process.

  • AAG-hired consultants were required to abide by state regulations of social distancing and PPE.



  • AAG assembled a team that included building damage and code consultants, landscaping architects, personal property damage consultants, and jewelry damage consultants to prepare and support a claim submission to the carrier.

  • Our team meticulously reviewed the policy to support the insured's temporary relocation and purchase of temporary furniture.

  • The experienced public adjusters at AAG devised a game plan to support an updated replacement value of the structure that addressed all applicable specifications and associated costs.



  • AAG guided the homeowner during every step of the claim process, providing them with significant support during an incredibly uncertain and emotional time.

  • Our team negotiated with the property's insurance company and achieved a multimillion settlement.

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